Nordlicht, 2004

An art project by Nikolaus Eberstaller for Mole West on the shores of lake Neusiedel (Austria)

In 2004 Karolyi & Ehrengruber opened the Bar & Gourmet-Restaurant Mole West on the shore of the lake Neusiedel. During the construction Nikolaus Eberstaller was commisioned with an site-specific art work, which visually and with specific content should take up the exclusive position of the lake.
Eberstaller spans a 300 square-meter printed film on the ceiling and the exterior facade of the building (Architekten Halbritter & Hillerbrand). The subject is an abstract marbling of orange and white tones, which can be associated with cloudy structures and at the same time calm waters. As a basis for the art project served him the idea of milk poured in tea. The choice of this motif has two effects: first, the movement of the wave striking the building is captured, which leads into the interior of the restaurant, and on the other hand, the theme of culinary delights is visually represented. The large, partially indirectly illuminated installation evokes associations referring to northern ligths and sets the strict geometric lines of the building towards an amorphous surface. In addition Eberstaller designed the company logo, which again transfers the reflection of the water in the font. 

more information about the artist
more projects by Nikolaus Eberstaller