Inhaling Nature

Christoph Both-Asmus - Forests of the giants

Inhaling Nature

Christoph Both-Asmus (GER)

Exhibition: 3 – 15 March, 2017
Address: WHITECONCEPTS . Auguststrasse 35 . 10119 Berlin
Opening hours: Mon – Fri 10:00 – 17:00 and by appointment

Special events:

10 March 2017, 7 – 8:30 PM
The Activation Of The Protector Of The Forest  Spirit – participative ritual performance by the artist, Valentin B-A (vinyls), Lan Hungh (drums), Felipe Amaya (dance) and others.

14 March 2017, 7 PM
Artist Talk between Christoph Both-Asmus and Tiny Domingos (Director of the project space rosalux)

WHITECONCEPTS gallery is proud to present the second solo show, titled “Inhaling Nature”, of young German artist Christoph Both-Asmus. The exhibition presents recent works by the multimedia artist, particularly large-scale paper works, objects and photographs in the interplay between the themes of sustainability and environmentalism as well as nature cults.

In recent years we have been part of a transformative change. People are becoming more and more aware of global changes and the interconnection of almost all aspects of our life. Christoph is an artist and an environmentalist and he is willing to raise awareness for the ecosystem’s fragility and the importance of protecting the primary rainforest, the lungs of our planet.

Christoph’s so far most extensive project “The Tree Walker” led him meet with artists in Central Africa last year. He spent three weeks in different countries climbing trees and making paper works directly in the rainforest. Renowned botanist Prof. Francis Hallé and Cameroonian artist Hervé Youmbi whom Christoph collaborated with gave him a deep insight into the meanings of the forest.

According to the artist, the top of a tree can be understood as a boundary between worlds, places and states of mind. Therefore a special event at the gallery will be organized aiming at “The Activation Of The Protector Of The Forest Spirit”. This collaborative ritual performance can be seen in the context of “The Tree Walker”. Based on Hervé Youmbi’s commissioned traditional African mask (with hidden magic powers), Christoph is going to activate it together with performance artists and friends at the gallery. With his transdisciplinary approach, the artist seeks out the relationship between knowledge and non-knowledge and makes positions significant in his sensitively explored artworks.

Christoph received his M.A. from the Sandberg Institute of Fine Arts in Amsterdam in 2010. He was awarded with prestigious awards and grants for his work, including the Mondriaan Fond Amsterdam.

His work has been presented in exhibitions throughout Germany, Netherlands, Poland, UK, Portugal, Greece, Cameroon, Gabon, Egypt, Japan, and the USA, p.e. at the Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin/DE, Center for Polish Sculpture Oronsko/PL, Leipziger Baumwollspinnerei, Leipzig/DE, Coda Museum Apeldorn/NL, Serralves Museum, Porto/PL.

Artist information and available works