The Plague Year

Finn Lafcadio O'Hanlon - detail

The Plague Year

New works on paper by Finn Lafcadio O’Hanlon

Exhibition: 09/22/2016 – 09/30/2016
Address: WHITECONCEPTS . Auguststrasse 35 . 10119 Berlin
Opening times: Mon – Fri 11:00 – 17:00 and by appointment

The 24-year-old British artist, Finn Lafcadio O’Hanlon, returns to the city’s WHITECONCEPTS gallery with a solo exhibition of new pen and ink drawings and collages.
Titled ‘The Plague Year’, Finn’s second exhibition in Berlin will expand his exploration of classical and historical imagery, syncretic religious and ‘pop’ iconography, cartography and lexicology – this time, within an exotic, decaying dystopia detailed in more than 25 very finely detailed monochromatic works. Apparent within these new works is also a jaundiced, critical perspective of current political and social issues.

Finn’s last exhibition at WHITECONCEPTS, two years ago, was one of the most successful openings for a young artist in Berlin that year. Introduced by the stellar German artist, Jonathan Meese, the entire show sold out within 48 hours.

Born in Brighton, England, to an Australian father and an Hawaiian-Cherokee mother, Finn Lafcadio O’Hanlon grew up among creative, nomadic types in Tulsa, Oklahoma, and Los Angeles before returning as a teenager to Sydney. He is a grandson of the late best-selling novelist, Morris West.
Having spent a year in France, Finn moved to Berlin at the beginning of 2013, where he established a studio to work in a variety of media including ink and collage on paper, photography, stone engraving, and site-specific sculpture.

Artist information and available works
Gallery exhibition 2014



Exhibition: 09/14/2016 – 10/28/2016
Opening: Tuesday, 13 Sept 2016, 19.00
Address: rk Galerie | Möllendorffstr. 6 | 10367 Berlin
Opening times: Mon – Fri 10:00 – 18:00 and by appointment

Participating artists:
Marta Antoniak (PL), Malte Bartsch (GER), Christoph Both-Asmus (GER), Krzysztof Debicki (PL), Milosz Flis (PL), Jakob Grebert (GER), Rafael Ibarra (MEX), Janosa Mike (GER), Teresa Otulak (PL), Urszula Pieregonczuk (PL), Jovana Popic (CRO-RS), Wlodzimierz Pozniak (PL), Dominik Ritszel (PL), Martin Schwarze (GER), Anna Siekierska (PL), Wanda Stang (GER), André Uerba (PT), Ivar Veermäe (FI)

The first station of the exhibition project is organised by rk Gallery in cooperation with the Center of Polish Sculpture and WHITECONCEPTS during the Berlin Art Week 2016.
Curator: Nicole Loeser, Co-Curator: Leszek Golec

Kindly supported by The Berlin Weissensee School of Art, the Institut für Raumexperimente / Berlin University of the Arts and the Galerie Nord-Kunstverein Tiergarten.

The social, political and economic situation in Europe has galvanized a young generation (of artists) to create politically engaged art that poses questions and stimulates and fosters discussion, using this interdisciplinary language to reflect the prevailing crises.

Shown for the first time during Berlin Art Week, the exhibition project “WHO WANTS TO DIE?” presents „Pacifism nowadays“ as the central motif and constituent moment of a sociocritical, probing, exploratory, actionistic and abstract artistic debate about the social order and its transformation. More particularly, the question concerning the current meaning of “pacifism” is at the center of the panel discussion. The first showing of the exhibition features the work of young graduates from Polish and German art academies and includes artistic media such as video, sculpture, painting, photography, and performance.

The exhibition curator Nicole Loeser got her inspiration for this project during a visit to the 7th Young Triennial at the Center for Polish Sculpture in Oronsko, Poland. The title of that exhibition, curated by Leszek Golec, was borrowed from Daria Malicka’s work “Kunszt” (art + craft + skill). The name reflected one of the main motifs of the exhibition: The significance of artisanal craft in contemporary art and its placement in scientific and social contexts. The works of 25 artists, selected from more than 30 Polish art academies, gave topics such as religion, ecology and pacifism a highly professional treatment. This enabled them to demonstrate the involvement of contemporary art in political and social aspects. Some of the Polish works will now be shown in the context of the exhibition “WHO WANTS TO DIE?” where they will be complemented by young artists based in Berlin, Kiel and Leipzig.


Wednesday, Sept 14th, 18.30 – 20:30
Panel discussion in trialogues
What does pacifism means nowadays? How is this term used, understood and reflected in global, national, individual and artistic ways?
Christoph Both-Asmus, Artist
Dr. Ute Finckh-Krämer, MdB/SPD
Martin Schwarze, Artist
Dr. Hans Jörg Schrötter, Lawyer, Journalist
Katharina Weiß, Social pedagogue, Mediator
Ruthe Zuntz, Artist

Friday, Sept 16th, 18.00 – 23.00
Long Night in Lichtenberg

Saturday, Sept 17th, 14.00 – 18.00
Special exhibit during Berlin Art Week / Art week of local galleries
15:00 Ritual Performance by Christoph Both-Asmus

Documentation by Andreas Wengel, 14.09.2016