Radom Cumulus, 2014


A new outdoor sculpture by Thorsten Gold­berg for the Mazo­vian Centre of Contem­porary Art – Elek­trownia in Radom/Poland

Radom Cumulus is a three-dimensional light object made of layers of curved neon contours, stacked hori­zon­tally on top of each other. The contours form a stylized cumulus cloud that rests on the very edge of the roof above the entrance of the new built museum. The 300 x 210 x 160 cm big light object was realized in November 2014.

The hori­zontal neon contours are direct sculp­tural repre­sen­ta­tions of drawn hatchings, as seen in drawings of clouds on medieval maps: Drawing, object and light instal­lation are combined, so that the trans­formed drawing of a cloud, here as a real and illu­mi­nated object, accen­tuates the urban space. Clouds are used as metaphors for the afterlife, for wanderlust, infinity and freedom of thought— for longings in general.

Review by Dora Rosłońska, Journalist of Goethe-Institut Poland, December 2014
More information about the artistMore projects by Thorsten Goldberg