Thorsten Goldberg

Thorsten Goldberg

The visual artist Thorsten Goldberg lives in Berlin and is realizing projects in public space throughout Europe. He taught at art academies in Münster, Munich, Linz, and most recently he worked as Professor of Art and Media in Kiel. As a member of various committees for public art, he is involved in the selection and organization of competitions and of documentation and archiving of art projects in public space.

Thorsten Goldberg is a member of the Advisory Committee on Art in Berlin and spokesman for the Bureau of Art in public space of the cultural work of the BBK Berlin. He also is the founder and co-editor of “Public Art Wiki, an imagined library”, the Internet lexicon of art in public space.

Seesaw, 2009

Seesaw, 2009

A work of art by Katrin Korfmann in the public space of the city Hilversum

The Dutch city of Hilversum built in 2009 a 100-meter long new tunnel for cyclists and pedestrians. The tunnel is located under the rail tracks and connects the northern and southern part of the city at the intersection Oosterengweg-Alt Amersfoorstseweg.
To artistically enhance the tunnel and to lead the city`s two peaces back together, the city made an art competition for a work of art in public space.
With her project „Seesaw“, an interactive light installation, the Berlin-born Katrin Korfmann won the competition.
Along the tunnel wall set lamps are projecting conical beams on the adjacent walls. Using motion sensors, the lamps respond to the presence and movement of passers-by and send different colored light at certain intervals. The number of turned on lamps corresponds to the number of pedestrians and cyclists who pass through the tunnel at a certain time. The light travels through the tunnel, bouncing from one lamp to the next and so accompanies the passers-by on their way. When the tunnel is empty, a single light is moving stealthily up and down in order to attract the next passer-by. In that manner, in a nearly playful way an exchange and the contact between the infrastructually underdeveloped area on the one and the “better” residential area on other side of the tracks are being encouraged.

more information about the artist
more projects by Katrin Korfmann

More than moments, 2012-2013

More than moments, 2012-2013

An art project by André Wagner for Mobimo Management AG in Zürich

In spring 2012, the young German photo artist André Wagner has been invited by  MOBIMO to photograph the neighbourhood under construction located “at the  Pfingstweidpark“ in Zürich-West. On the trail of the company`s idea, Wagner artistically and visually explored the area in the transition period to a vibrant urban neighbourhood.

The reflection of time serves Wagner as a guideline. Not only the present is to be captured but it should also simultaneously serve as future documents of the changing contemporary happenings. So each work contains the three basic levels of time: past / present / future – extended by the meaning layers of history / development / progress. 

The selected artistic method in the form of long exposure times with its unique artistic character makes processes of change visible. Created photographs with stunning details evoke memories and have a special narrative moment. In addition, the motives exude a magical effect and capture the multi-layered sentiment as well as a unique atmosphere of the new quarter.

more information about the artist
more projects by André