Thorsten Goldberg

All entrys posted in: Thorsten Goldberg

53°20’ – 53°40’N, 2017

Five topographic models of mountain-landscapes by Thorsten Gold­berg for the North East Transit Garage in Edmonton, Canada [...]

Return of the Cumulus 08.07, 2016

The original 'neon cloud' has been completely redeveloped and transformed into a new material. [...]

20.000 Morgen, 2016

Where would we end up, if we went in a straight line in one direction, didn’t stop and never turned off? [...]

24kt, 2017

For the start-up and new construction of the primary school Thorsten Goldberg is building a bird’s nest from approximately 1 kg 24 kt gold as an investment and a foundation for future needs. [...]

Radom Cumulus, 2014

Since November 2014 a three-dimensional light object, Radom Cumulus by Thorsten Goldberg, can be seen above the entrance of the Mazo­vian Centre of Contem­porary Art – Elek­trownia in Poland. [...]


In the courtyard of the Federal Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection in Berlin, since 2011 a cloud, created by Thorsten Goldberg, hovers over the gardens.  [...]

60°N 05°E (ENCASED WATERSIDE), 2009–2012

In order to artistically upgrade a meeting point for people of different backgrounds in Bergen, in 2009 Thorsten Goldberg's percent for art project was selected. [...]


In Gdansk, few meters from the sea, since 2013 a new installation of Thorsten Goldberg rises, which is operated by wind and solar energy. [...]

Art Fairs

2011 - 2016 [...]