Percent For Art

All entrys posted in: Percent For Art

53°20’ – 53°40’N, 2017

Five topographic models of mountain-landscapes by Thorsten Gold­berg for the North East Transit Garage in Edmonton, Canada [...]

Return of the Cumulus 08.07, 2016

The original 'neon cloud' has been completely redeveloped and transformed into a new material. [...]

20.000 Morgen, 2016

Where would we end up, if we went in a straight line in one direction, didn’t stop and never turned off? [...]

24kt, 2017

For the start-up and new construction of the primary school Thorsten Goldberg is building a bird’s nest from approximately 1 kg 24 kt gold as an investment and a foundation for future needs. [...]

Radom Cumulus, 2014

Since November 2014 a three-dimensional light object, Radom Cumulus by Thorsten Goldberg, can be seen above the entrance of the Mazo­vian Centre of Contem­porary Art – Elek­trownia in Poland. [...]


In the courtyard of the Federal Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection in Berlin, since 2011 a cloud, created by Thorsten Goldberg, hovers over the gardens.  [...]

60°N 05°E (ENCASED WATERSIDE), 2009–2012

In order to artistically upgrade a meeting point for people of different backgrounds in Bergen, in 2009 Thorsten Goldberg's percent for art project was selected. [...]


In Gdansk, few meters from the sea, since 2013 a new installation of Thorsten Goldberg rises, which is operated by wind and solar energy. [...]

Seesaw, 2009

In 2009 Katrin Korfmann realized an interactive art installation for the Dutch city of Hilversum in a 100-meter long tunnel. [...]

More than moments, 2012-2013

More than moments, 2012-2013 An art project by André Wagner for Mobimo Management AG in Zürich In spring 2012, the young German photo artist André Wagner has been invited by  MOBIMO to photograph the neighbourhood under construction located “at the  Pfingstweidpark“ … [...]