
All entrys posted in: Allgemein

WHO WANTS TO DIE? – About the artists

WHO WANTS TO DIE? – PArTICIPATING ARTISTS More about the project can be found here. Marta Antoniak (*1986 Zabrze/PL) | ABRASIVE BATTLE Liquid mass plastic figurines from cartoons, toys, gadgets and toy blocks are applied onto canvases. On one hand … [...]

The Plague Year

22.09.2016 - 30.09.2016. The young British artist expands his exploration of classical and historical imagery, syncretic religious and ‘pop' iconography [...]


The exhibition explores the idea of the Gesamtkunstwerk. Each artwork acts as part of the whole. [...]

Requiem for a dying planet

Requiem for a Dying Planet Ritual performance by Christoph Both-Asmus 26 June 2015, 22h30 – 23h30, Gallery WHITECONCEPTSas part of his solo show ‘Rivers and Trees‘ Slash and burn. The death knell of the rainforest  is sounded in the roar … [...]

Christoph Both-Asmus – Rivers and Trees

June 1 — July 3, 2015 The interdisciplinary work of Chris­toph Both-Asmus mainly focuses on performance, video, mixed media installation and site-specific sculpture, often created with natural artifacts or even living organisms. [...]

Interview with Finn Lafcadio O’Hanlon

On the occasion of the exhibition History Puts A Saint in Every Dream WHITECONCEPTS has released an interview with 22 years old Australian artist Finn Lafcadio O’Hanlon. Since 2012 you are based in Berlin. How do you feel here, compared to … [...]